Katie Hill the former U.S. congresswoman from California and  current “throuple” enthusiast  accidentally praised George W. Bush for this in...

‘Throuple’ enthusiast Katie Hill apologizes to liberals for fawning over George W. Bush coronavirus video

Katie Hill the former U.S. congresswoman from California and current “throuple” enthusiast accidentally praised George W. Bush for this inspiring video he put out about Americans coming together to combat the coronavirus:
 Oh boy. This was a similar sentiment from many liberals and others about the yuge chasm between dubya’s tone and Trump’s tone. Well, that didn’t done sit too right with Hill’s liberal base of support:

 That was just 30 minutes later! LOL! But it didn’t stop there, she had to apologize or risk losing her precious precious far left progressive followers:

 So much for reaching across the aisle. Ironically, Hill was one of the few Democrats who actually tried to reach bipartisan solutions when she was in Congress. That’s before she got caught diddling her underlings.

 Twitter is a strict mistress. Even if you’re used to “throupling.”

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