It used to be when we took in immigrants or offered refuge to people displaced by war in poorer countries those people became patriotic Amer...

Ilhan Omar Disgraces USA After Daughter Calls American Soldiers “Bitches” Who Kill Innocent Children In Video

It used to be when we took in immigrants or offered refuge to people displaced by war in poorer countries those people became patriotic Americans in short order.
What a privilege to come here and get free everything including school, housing, food, medical, money, etc. Do you know that Ilham Omar has always worked non-profits, most of whom receive money from various government grants? Has she spent one day since she has been here not getting taxpayer money somehow? I doubt it.

But sadly things have changed and we now have absolute ingrates like Ilhan Omar and her daughter literally calling American soldiers bitches on social media.
The congresswoman’s 17-year-old daughter Isra Hirsi made the comments during a social media video that did not sneak past conservative activist CJ Pearson.
“I know this is a joke, but the fact that these men are calling me a bitch when they are actively killing innocent children abroad and also furthering US imperialism makes me think that they are actually the bitch,” Hirsi said.

Pearson wrote:
In this video, @israhirsi the daughter of Congresswoman @IlhanMN calls American soldiers “bitches” and accuses them of “furthering American imperialism” and “actively killing innocent children abroad”.
Where does she get these views from? I guess the apple doesn’t fall far!
@IlhanMN – do you agree with your daughter’s characterizations of American soldiers?

1 comment:

  1. I got an e-mail of obumer demanding the vote by mail get passed. And wanting money. Dumbocrats are insane. He never has been a President and never will be. He is just a citizen, should be sent to Iran. Shut Congress.


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