In an unbelievable show of abject ignorance and lack of decorum, a Democratic state lawmaker pretty much outed himself as likely a rapey creep while trying to dunk on Joe Biden’s accuser, Tara Reade.
UHm. Wow.New Hampshire Dem Rep Richard Komi says a man can only penetrate a woman’s vagina with “cooperation from the woman.”— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) May 2, 2020
Wow. The Dems are REALLY bad at this.
Komi is a member of the New Hampshire state legislature.
I mean how many creepy falsehoods can you shove in a tweet? Because he seemed to hit all of them. After someone slapped him a few times he actually deleted the tweet and apologized:
Yeah, regrettable doesn’t quite cover it, but it’s a start I guess. He says that he’s going to look into resigning in the next few days. I can’t say that he deserves that, but I wouldn’t be totally opposed to it either.
I notice that he has shut down his Twitter account, which makes me wonder what else he has tweeted and is hiding. He also changed his profile to say “former” member of the House of Representatives, so maybe he’s already made his decision about resigning…
good thing he specified female vagina