Bill and Hillary hid the evidence deep, but their own people just turned on them For years Americans have known the Clintons stunk like rott...

Whistleblowers Turn Over Mountain Of Clinton Evidence – They AreFinished

Bill and Hillary hid the evidence deep, but their own people just turned on them

For years Americans have known the Clintons stunk like rotten fish.

Yet time and again they always avoided punishment – and people are tired of hearing new evidence emerge with no action against them.

Even in 2016—when we knew Hillary broke the law—she got away with it.

But this time really does look different.

Now it seems a mountain of evidence is finally coming out, and the Clintons are backed up against a wall with no way out.

From Fox News:
Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.
According to the bombshell report, Bill Clinton was mixing donor funds with his own. He was using money meant for charitable purposes for his own expenses.

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Even people within the Foundation warned him about this. Naturally, the former president did not listen.

The whistleblowers worked with the IRS and the FBI to compile their documents. They have internal reviews from the Clinton Foundation.

It looks like they have plenty of evidence to back their claims.

We really shouldn’t be surprised. We’ve known since 2016 that Clinton used the Foundation as a slush fund.

They took in cash from big donors, then gave out favors when Hillary was Secretary of State.

Had she become president, it would have been game over. Our entire country would have been up for sale to the highest bidder.

The Clintons are no longer in a position to help themselves. Neither holds public office. Nor do they have friends in the White House to protect them.

Even Democrats in Congress might back away. They don’t want to get taken down with them!

Without large stores of cash or political influence, the Clintons can no longer dodge the long arm of justice.

It’s very likely they will finally be exposed for their crimes. Perhaps justice will be done sooner than we think.

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Source: Fox News

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