“It will never pass the Senate, not today, not next week, not next year. So President Trump, if you want to open the government, you must ab...

Matt Gaetz Breaks Silence On Trump Meeting, Wipes Smirk Off Schumer’sFace

“It will never pass the Senate, not today, not next week, not next year. So President Trump, if you want to open the government, you must
abandon the wall, plain and simple,” Chuck Schumer said with zero
confidence on the floor of the Senate.

Chuck is nervous and he should be because he is between a rock and a
hard place. The shutdown is on him and he is desperate to try to blame
Trump but Trump is playing with house money.

He doesn’t care if he is blamed for the shutdown but Chuck Schumer does. The American people know Chuck approved over $25 billion for the wall last year and they do not like people playing politics with national security.

Trump held a secret lunch meeting yesterday to give marching orders for the shutdown and the left was hoping for a big cave.

According to Matt Gaetz, they got the opposite. From Fox News:

Trump and Vice President Mike Pence held a lunch meeting at the
White House Saturday on border security, and Gaetz was among a number of
top conservatives who attended.

Other attendees included Reps. Mark Meadows (N.C.), Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Andy Biggs (Ariz.).

Gaetz said Trump’s attitude during Saturday’s meeting was one of maintaining a commitment to securing the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We’ve shut down elements of the government because he’s this serious about it,” Gaetz said on America’s News HQ.

The Florida congressman added that Trump said he wouldn’t sign “a
bad deal.” The president is seeking $5.7 billion in order to fund his
border wall, but Democrats offered $1.3 billion for “border security.”

“As we roll deeper into the shutdown, I think that the Democrats 
will experience more pain than the Republicans,” he said, adding that
Trump is in the fight for border wall funding “for the long haul.”

“[Republicans] are going to try to get as much [wall funding] as
we can,” he said. “My assessment is that $5 billion is the right number.
… You have to compromise.”

The White House sent a new proposal with more funding but not the
full $5 billion over to Chuck Schumer and the Democrats, who as we said
already ok’d $25 billion for the wall, so they have a choice to end this
or keep it going but Trump won’t budge.

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